Welcome to My Blog!

My name is Julie Annette Bennett, author of The Phoenix Man. I’m so happy to have you as a visitor to my blog about my new book. While you are visiting, take deep breaths, know that you are safe, and that all questions and remarks are welcome. Together we can create a meaningful place for caregivers, whether paid or not paid, needing support no matter what the circumstances or disease. Thank you for helping me bring solace, hope, and comfort to anyone needing guidance and support in their caregiving journey.

One Comment on “Welcome to My Blog!”

  1. I loved the book. Could not put it down once I started to read this amazing and loving book.
    The format was wonderful with all the information for caregivers.
    I highly recommend this beautiful book.
    I met Julie and Scott when they lived downstairs from me and we became good friends.
    It’s a friendship I cherish and knowing Scott.
    Penny Grillo

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