Why I Wrote This Book

First and foremost, I wrote this book to honor my husband Scott and all that he went through to survive his disabilities, as well as all patients out there going through any debilitating disease.

The second reason is to honor all caregivers no matter who you are caring for and to give caregivers a voice. For too long, caregivers have been ignored and completely taken for granted, especially those who are caring for their loved one at home. Caregiving can be a 24/7 job, stressful beyond limit, and can cause unnecessary illnesses in the caregiver.

My hope is to reach as many caregivers as possible so that they can receive the recognition they deserve and find the right tips to make their lives a bit easier. If you and I can bring more awareness to the health care professionals that the caregiver is the most important part of the team, then changes can be made.

Let’s honor our caregivers, strive to make their lives easier to manage, and give them comfort in knowing that they are not alone.

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